Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Philadelphia Zoning Process of Building in Philly

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Philadelphia Sales Stats

I compiled a bunch of statistics for the Center City District of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Business Journal. Yes, I'm a nerd. Here are some interesting figures for ya. Below is a chart of 9 zip codes. On this chart I show the percentage changes in Units Sold, Days On Market, Original List Prices, and Sold Prices.

Three Year Performance, 2006-2008
Units Sold/D.O.M./Orig List/Sold Price/Current Inv Accumulation
19102 39.53% 16.07% -15.29% -20.13% 10
19103 18.18% 27.71% -19.44% -18.64% 10
19106 0.46% 12.50% 5.59% 2.95% 16
19107 -7.48% -1.03% 14.54% 14.16% 13
19123 -75.00% -14.66% -7.34% -11.48% 24
19130 -32.83% -6.02% 2.42% -0.04% 7
19146 -18.00% 28.57% 12.91% 10.27% 10
19147 -27.33% 31.08% -3.77% -6.20% 10
19125 -31.49% 0.00% 10.32% 9.02% 9

Take note of a few things on here. The units sold is down, almost everywhere... as much as 75%! On average, about 35% since 2006. This we know from watching tv, right? The sales prices in the individual zip codes range from down 20% to up 10%! See?! Philadelphia is a relatively healthy market compared to many others in this country right now... and now you can even see by neighborhood.
South Philly (19146) and Fishtown (19125) are the healthiest while center city (19103) got crushed the most! VERY INTERESTING!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Bike Ride to the Office

The trip to the office is a scenic one and there is plenty to talk about and check out, as shown on this video. Take a gander!